17 March 2009

Make "DVD Player" Work Without An Internal DVD Drive

In my past post, I talked about how Apple's DVD Player would not cooperate and let me get that sought after "Apple experience" - it just keeps on churning out that error message whenever I try to launch the app.It's like asking a guy out and getting "No" for an answer. Miserable.Well, the guy still refuses to notice me (I refuse to accept that it's due to my physical appearance...

11 March 2009

Still No Luck - With XP, I'm Stuck

I followed Res' guide for creating a bootable HDD with OS X Leopard, sticking as closely as I could to the guide. That is; I used Universal Installer and stuff (his custom HP Mini plugin etc.). But I'm still getting kernel panics when I boot my HP Mini 1001TU off the HDD I just created.It must be because I'm not using a Retailer DVD installer of OS X: yep, I'm still stuck with...

04 March 2009

Try and Try Until You...Burn Out

Stubborn people just never give up on getting OS X Leopard to work on their HP Mini 1000. And some stupid stubborn people just won't download the dang iDeneb v3 10.5.5 (which is the way to go according to sources) either from torrent or rapidshare or megaupload because they don't have a decent net connection that's fast enough to handle the genormous 3.5 GB or up of this DVD installer.iso...